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Spectrum photo wallpaper has a motif of a stamp on wet paper that gives the subject an effect of less chaos with uncertain and flowing contours. The soft graphic patterns give the wall a life and a sense of wet-on-wet. This photo wallpaper fits in almost any room in the home as well as in shops or buildings where you want to create a feeling of an exciting but a little uncontrolled environment. Rebel Walls can offer a variety of motives in this area for those who want to decorate their home with an environment that breathes of unpredictability.
  • Product Code:


  • Brand:

    Rebel Walls

  • Collection:


  • Repeat:


  • Composition:

    Digitally printed paper

  • Dimensions:

    This is a Custom size Mural. Please accurately measure the width and height of your wall, then contact wallpaper@artisancollective.co.nz to receive a quote. As a guide, Rebel Walls murals retail for $110 per square metre. MINIMUM order 3sqm.

  • Delivery Time:

    Approx 4 weeks